Donald Cerrone Warns Against Power Slap Due to CTE Brain Damage Risk

UFC Hall of Famer Donald Cerrone expressed his enthusiasm for Dana White’s Power Slap project, a competition focused on powerful head strikes, but admitted it might be a step too far even for him.

Donald Cerrone, the UFC Hall of Famer, had some words about Dana White’s Power Slap project. His endorsement? Well, it’s a bit of a mixed bag.

He was there, right in the thick of it, at Power Slap’s sixth event. The venue? Sin City itself, Las Vegas. And when they asked him what he thought about the whole thing, he gave them a classic “Cowboy” response.

“I love it,” he said. But there’s a catch.

According to Cerrone, Power Slap is the go-to event if you’re all about the knockouts. And if you’re keen on hearing about CTE brain damage, well, this is your spot.

Dana White, UFC’s big boss, has been pushing Power Slap like there’s no tomorrow. He’s been doing this despite the naysayers, the ones who think it’s all show and no substance.

Power Slap’s all about landing the heaviest head strike. Defense? Not in this game. And that’s got people talking about how dangerous it is.

But the Nevada Athletic Commission (NAC) didn’t seem to mind. They gave slap fighting the green light in October 2022. Stephen Cloobeck, the ex-chairman of NAC, wasn’t too thrilled about it later. “I made a mistake,” he confessed to The Associated Press in March 2023. “I’m not happy about it.”

Cerrone’s no stranger to the fight game. His career’s the stuff of legends, with memorable battles and a ton of highlight-reel finishes. He even had a shot at the UFC lightweight title once. And in 2023, he got his ticket to the UFC Hall of Fame.

But even for a seasoned fighter like Cerrone, Power Slap might be a bit much.

“Not even I would do this,” he admitted, chuckling.


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