UFC Fighter Michel Pereira Rescues Animals from Historic Brazil Floods

After his victory at UFC 301, Michel Pereira interrupted his vacation to help those affected by the historic floods in Rio Grande do Sul, starting an online crowdfunding campaign and posting videos on Instagram to show his efforts and ask for donations.

Michel Pereira, fresh off a big win at UFC 301, flew back to his hometown in Pará. But wait, there’s a twist. He cut his vacation short to lend a hand in Rio Grande do Sul, a region devastated by historic floods.

Canoas was his destination, a staggering 2,100 miles from Macaba. Pereira’s been documenting his journey on Instagram, sharing videos of his relief efforts and rallying for donations. You gotta see it to believe it.

The floods? They’ve been brutal. Over 2.1 million people affected, hundreds of thousands of homes gone. The death toll’s at 149 and rising, with entire cities wiped out. It’s a nightmare, no doubt about it.

“I’m beat, but I can’t stop,” Pereira shared on Instagram. “Never seen anything like this. So, I’m here, on the front lines. We’re with you, Rio Grande do Sul.”

In another post, he admitted, “the scenes are horrifying.”

“Never seen anything like this, not even in a movie,” he added. But he’s optimistic, “we’re gonna win this fight too.”

Pereira’s also started a crowdfunding campaign. So far? It’s raised a cool $2,200. Not bad, eh?

Want to see for yourself? Check out the videos below.


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